Why I Don’t Identify the Virus by Name

Words and names carry energy.

That energy can be positive. It can be negative. Or it can also be a combination of both.

The Toxic Energy Attached to the C-Name

The ‘new’ virus, which is behind the current volatile environment, was assigned a name. Oftentimes, this name has been used by the media and other sharers of information, in a very manipulative way. It’s been shared in a way to create and amplify negative emotions of fear and panic.

Manipulation, fear and panic are very toxic energies. Fear and panic are among the lowest emotions on the emotional scale. Then, there’s all of the other toxic energies being associated with the name as well.

When a large number of people are using a name in a manipulative way, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to assign fear and panic, all of that toxic energy attaches to that name.

This is similar to what happens with names given to natural disasters that receive a lot of media coverage and attention. Another example, we know too well in the United States, is the toxic energy that gets associated with the names of schools who have suffered through a mass shooting. In these types of examples, something similar occurs in that a lot of negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs attach to a name.

Read this previous blog post for a perspective on Toxic Collective Energy.


A macro (or macroinstruction), in computer programming language, “is a programmable pattern which translates a certain sequence of input into a preset sequence of output.” (www.computerhope.com/jargon)

Basically, it’s a shortcut. It’s an abbreviated input that prompts a more sophisticated output. A pattern is programmed into a shortcut to prompt a subsequent set of actions.

Positive Macro’s in Energy Healing

In energy healing circles, we sometimes create macros (shortcuts) for energy healing intentions that are lengthy. They come in handy for intentions that are used frequently. It allows for a more efficient way to prompt energy healing. An abbreviated positive intention (the macro) is programmed to have the same effect as a more elaborate (i.e. longer) positive intention.

The C-Name as a Negative Macro

The C-Name for the virus has become a macro that automatically programs fear, panic and other negative energy. This is simply what happens on an energetic level. Remember, words and names carry energy. That energy comes from the meaning associated with the word/name as well as any emotions, thoughts and beliefs attached to it.

When a word/name is first used, it doesn’t yet have the collective energy that it eventually will. It’s more neutral in the beginning. Over time, and according to how it’s used, the intentions behind its use and the agreement by others regarding those intentions all contribute to the eventual collective energy behind it.

When emotions, thoughts and beliefs are directed at a name, it starts to carry the cumulative vibration of those emotions, thoughts and beliefs. We eventually reached a point with the C-Name that simply using/hearing the name will often automatically create the response of fear and panic.

My Alternate Name

In my previous blog post, I shared that I’m using the word “distraction” to identify the virus and everything that’s happening as a result of it.

So, why the word “distraction?” I’m practicing surrender with what’s happening. Complying with shelter in place orders mandated by the city, county, and state. Going with the flow of homeschooling the kids. Shifting, pivoting, adjusting day by day and hour by hour according to what’s being presented to me with this situation. Basically, digging deep and not dwelling on what I can’t control.

What I can control is my own internal state. My goal is to remain as energetically clear as possible. It’s tested often and sometimes I stumble, but I try to return to my path. My journey for a long time has been to return to the truth of who I am, unlayering untruths and releasing negative energies that don’t belong to me.

What’s happening right now, is a huge distraction to that work, to that journey. Calling it a distraction reminds me of that. It helps me stay focused on my journey.

Find your Alternate Name

If the word I choose doesn’t resonate for you, that’s okay too. If the rest of this is stirring up some truth for you, may I suggest finding a word that rings truer for you, a word that helps you stay out of the spiral. For some, it may feel good to choose a word that sparks humor. Obviously, don’t be a jerk about it, but you get the point. Let’s encourage ourselves to stay above the toxic energy and not get pulled into an automatic response based on the energies being assigned to names and issues going on out there.

About the Writer

Anna Salumbides is an Energy Coach, Human Design Specialist, Energy Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. She’s certified in Human Design, Emotion Code and Theta Healing. Her energy tools help one to release energetic entanglements that come from outdated stories, beliefs, and old emotional energy, that can often be amplified during highly charged situations. Schedule a free clarity call with Anna, to explore if energy coaching is right for you. Sessions are done remotely via Zoom and can be done with clients all over the globe.

Anna Salumbides