Using Intuition to Find My Purpose

Growing up, I was a very analytical person. Super brain-based. An often straight A student. Over achiever. Business Major.  President of my co-ed Business Fraternity.  Senior Training Consultant in the Insurance Industry. 

So how did I end up as an Energy Coach and Healing Practitioner?

 My intuition led me here.

Through a series of synchronicities, struggles and my own healing journey, I learned to connect to a wisdom within me that ultimately guided me down this path of helping others find connection to their soul through energy healing.

I recorded this video to give you a glimpse into parts of my journey where intuitive guidance played a key role in guiding my steps towards this line of work.

A gift for you

Connecting with your intuition to hear its guidance is a game changer. Oftentimes, the challenge is how noisy your mind can be when you first learn to connect with that inner wisdom. That’s why I created an Intuition Writing Meditation, which I previously only shared with private coaching clients. I’m now sharing it with you as a free gift in hopes that it helps more people learn to hear the sacred guidance within. Get the free Intuition Meditation here.

About Anna

Anna Salumbides is an Energy Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. She’s certified in Human Design, Emotion Code and Theta Healing. Her energy tools help one to release energetic entanglements that come from outdated stories, beliefs, and old emotional energy, that can often be amplified during highly charged situations. Schedule a free clarity call with Anna, to explore if energy coaching is right for you. Sessions are done remotely via Zoom and can be done with clients all over the globe.

Anna Salumbides
A Hidden Message in Disney's Haunted Mansion

Picture this….

You’ve just entered Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion.  You follow the crowd into a dimly lit circular room.  You notice 4 framed paintings on the walls and find yourself staring at the one with a lady holding a pink parasol. 

Suddenly, the room appears to stretch and you notice that the paintings are stretching with the room as well.  As they do, you see additional details in the paintings that were previously hidden from view.  You now see that the lady holding the pink parasol is balancing on a tight rope, wearing ballet shoes.  As the painting stretches further, you also see that there’s an alligator underneath her with it’s jaws wide open. 

The painting and the room eventually stop stretching and a door opens.  Everyone exits the room.  But, instead of being guided into seats like on the actual Haunted Mansion ride, you’re led on a walking group tour of the mansion.

You can sense a mixture of nervousness and excitement in the crowd.  A lot of people are wondering what’s gonna happen next.

A tour guide slowly shows you some, but not all of the rooms in the mansion, one by one. 

There are velvet ropes across each of the entryways to prevent the crowd from going into the rooms. 

From behind the velvet ropes, the crowd gets to peek into the different scenes laid out in each room.  At the entrance of one of the rooms, you look around and take in some of the details as much as you’re able to from your vantage point, before being guided to the next room.  Again, you stand behind the velvet rope of that next room and take a peek into the scene. 

There’s a lot of looking.  There’s not a lot of “doing,” other than walking through and looking around.

Origins of this story

This Haunted Mansion scene came through when I did an energy reading for The Aligned Collective, a manifestation group experience that my friend, Kim Khunaraksa, hosted.  She invited me as a guest expert and I did a reading for the collective group to share the energetic themes that they could expect for the coming month.

Pay attention to the symbolism

In energy readings, there’s often a message in the symbolism. The message usually becomes an invitation to help you move through whatever might be keeping you stuck.  While this reading was for a specific group, I believe there’s something we can all learn from it.

The symbolism that emerged from this particular story is found among the people touring the Haunted Mansion.  Notice how they’re holding the energy of “bystanders” vs. holding the energy of “participants.”

Bystander vs. participant energies are very different from one another. Many would describe them as opposites.

See if you can feel yourself touring the rooms in this haunted mansion.  Notice that it’s the tour guide that’s directing which rooms you can see and which rooms are you can’t see. 

Notice the velvet ropes that stop you at the entryways of the rooms.   You’re able to peek in, but aren’t able to use the rooms.

Rather than experiencing the dining room by sitting and eating and conversing, you’re limited to looking

Now, feel how differently it would be to actually use the dining room, sitting, eating and socializing over a meal.  The energy is active instead of passive, immersive instead of distant.  You’re in your body instead of in your head. You’re experiencing dining in the room rather than wondering what it would be like to do so.

Get the Free Reflection Guide

I created a FREE reflection guide to help you discover what the symbolism in this story means to you personally and where the messages are trying to lead you.

Get the guide to help you settle into the lessons from this article and step into living the life you desire.

About Anna

Anna Salumbides is an Energy Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. She’s certified in Human Design, Emotion Code and Theta Healing. Her energy tools help one to release energetic entanglements that come from outdated stories, beliefs, and old emotional energy, that can often be amplified during highly charged situations. Schedule a free clarity call with Anna, to explore if energy coaching is right for you. Sessions are done remotely via Zoom and can be done with clients all over the globe.

Anna Salumbides
Stuck in Everyone's Emotional Energy?

Use your intuition to get unstuck.

As a collective group, we’re going through quite a bit of upheaval lately.

It’s easy to get stuck in the emotional energy of the group when this happens.

Here’s what we should know

Here’s what to about why we sometimes get stuck in collective emotional energy and how we can get unstuck:

A large group has a ‘large’ collective energy. 

There have been a lot of tense events that have been happening on a national and global level, impacting the different large groups we are personally a part of and the large groups that we love and support. 

When a large group experiences an emotionally charged event at the same time, the energy of these intense events can create different vortexes of energy.  Without an awareness of this, it’s easy to get pulled in and stay stuck in that energy.

zero gravity ride

One way to picture this energy are those Zero Gravity carnival rides.  Remember those? The ones shaped like a circle, where you stand along the wall as the ride spins around at an intense speed.  On this ride, you’re sort of ‘stuck’ along the wall as the ride spins around.  You’re stuck. Everyone else is stuck. Everyone is caught in the amplified energy swirling around. 

so what do you do?

The advice here isn’t to ignore and become indifferent about your own feelings or the feelings of your community and fellow humans.

Rather, the advice is to become aware of the pulling energy of groups and intense events.  This energy can make it challenging to access your own emotions as well as your own inner guidance.  It becomes easy to be drawn in by and then stay stuck in the collective energy, like being stuck along the wall of the Zero Gravity ride.

It’s hard to feel your own nuanced emotions and your own nuanced thoughts because you’re stuck in the collective energy.

how do you get unstuck?

One way to get unstuck is to access your own inner guidance, or your intuition.  And I want you to hear this - wanting to get unstuck doesn’t mean you don’t care about the group and their experiences.  Sometimes it means you want to support others but you’re finding yourself swirling in emotions which aren’t allowing you to help in the best way possible.

The key is to ask your intuition for guidance.

It can see solutions that your mind can’t.  It knows exactly what will support you most to get you unstuck.  Maybe your intuition will tell you to tend to your wounds.  Maybe it will lead you to participate in a campaign that aligns with your beliefs, one that nourishes your soul while supporting causes that are important to you.  Maybe it will tell you to go out with a friend for coffee, a friend who turns out to hold the very answer you were looking for.  Maybe it will point out a pattern from childhood that needs love and shifting.  Whatever it is, your intuition will send you on your personal next right step.

Get the free guide to getting unstuck.

If you’re new to hearing from your intuition, get the free Guide to Getting Unstuck.  It includes a guided meditation to help you access your intuition and a list of questions to ask it. 

I hope it serves you.

about anna

Anna Salumbides is an Energy Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. She’s certified in Human Design, Emotion Code and Theta Healing. Her energy tools help one to release energetic entanglements that come from outdated stories, beliefs, and old emotional energy, that can often be amplified during highly charged situations. Schedule a free clarity call with Anna, to explore if energy coaching is right for you. Sessions are done remotely via Zoom and can be done with clients all over the globe.

Anna Salumbides
Oops...Was That a Curse?

Let’s talk curses. Don’t worry.  This won’t feel dark or scary. I’m a scaredy cat myself, so I don’t often allow myself to go there.

In this post, let’s focus on self-directed curses.

The thing is, it’s not uncommon for people to direct curses on themselves.  Sometimes, these curses stick and sometimes they don’t. 

So, What are Self-Directed Curses?

They can be as simple as a negative belief that you repeat to yourself over and over.  Sometimes, they are a string of negative beliefs that have a similar theme.

A self-directed curse might sound like:

  • I’m never going to find a partner.

  • I never get what I want.

  • I always make poor investment decisions.

Common Characteristics

Here’s what I notice about the examples above:

  • How they all use absolute language (i.e. “never” and “always”)

  • There is an implied prediction about the future (i.e. I’m never going to find a partner. – It’s almost as if this statement also says, “I haven’t yet and I won’t in the future.”)

  • The absolute language doesn’t leave room for another outcome.

  • They imply a decision has been made by the person.  (i.e. I always make poor investment decisions - The person sharing this has made a decision that this is true for them.  It’s like they are saying, “I have decided that I always make poor investment decisions. It’s not up for debate. This is my fate.”)

Our words are quite powerful.  When our body and our being believes the words, they have the potential to become, quite literally, unstoppable. 

The Sticking Power of Curses

So what makes some self-directed curses stick and others not stick?  I believe there isn’t a comprehensive, iron-clad list.  But, from my experience in working with clients, here’s what I’ve noticed:

  • There’s a strong level of belief behind the statement, meaning the person fully believes what they are saying.  They are unable to hold space for another truth that contradicts the statement.

  • There’s a level of vulnerability that the person is holding while they also hold this belief.  I believe that when we are energetically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically healthy that for one, we likely wouldn’t be placing self-inflicted curses.  But also, if we did happen to entertain a negative belief, it woudn’t stick in the way it would when we are feeling vulnerable.

  • Curses can be passed down to us (from our ancestors and our own past lives) 

Our words have the power to create.  This is a beautiful thing.  When we recognize how powerful they are, we are better able to use language and our words to create what we want rather than create an outcome we don’t want. 

Looking for Support With a Curse?

If you’re looking for support with releasing a self-directed curse, originating from yourself or from generations/lives before you, you might benefit from an energy healing from within the Akashic Field.   If you’re ready to receive a support, you’re invited to schedule a call with Anna to get started.

About Anna

Anna Salumbides is an Energy Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. She’s certified in Human Design, Emotion Code and Theta Healing. Her energy tools help one to release energetic entanglements that come from outdated stories, beliefs, and old emotional energy, that can often be amplified during highly charged situations. Schedule a free clarity call with Anna, to explore if energy coaching is right for you. Sessions are done remotely via Zoom and can be done with clients all over the globe.

Anna Salumbides
Things I love: The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck

The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck is a tool that is near and dear to my heart. 

The Creator of the deck

A lot of why it’s so special to me is the creator behind the deck, Rosy Aronson.  I had the pleasure of hearing Rosy talk at a Human Design Conference and I was immediately drawn in by her authentic presence and the loving way she holds space.  I was impressed by how quickly she connected with all of us, even in a virtual setting.

I could tell and feel that her energy was transformational.  I later joined her live online course, The Wisdom Wheel of Integrity, which utilized the Wisdom Keepers deck.  The class gave me a chance to dive deeper into utilizing this support tool, both for myself and for my clients.  Rosie’s integrity, care, presence and space holding throughout that experience was so loving and so true.

The Energy + Heart of a Creator

I believe that a big part of what makes this deck so magical is the heart that Rosy has poured into creating the images, channeling the stories and the potent intention she infused into this sacred tool.  That energy plays a part in how powerful the tool is for each person that uses it. 

The deck reminds me of how intention and energy that a creator has plays such a big part in the potency of a tool.  Much like the love a chef puts into creating a plated masterpiece or the love an architect and builders put into creating a home.   

The way I use the cards.

I typically like to work mostly intuitively when working with Oracle cards versus relying too heavily on a guidebook that many decks come with.

In the case of the Wisdom Keepers, I always refer to Rosy’s guidebook.  After pulling a card, with sacred intention and inquiry, I refer to the guidebook to reflect on the guidance shared by that Wisdom Keeper.  Each card shares the face of a Wisdom Keeper you’re being invited to connect with and receive guidance from.  Within the guidebook, each Wisdom Keeper shares a wisdom story, a gift to you and questions for contemplation.

I love the deck so much that I’ve since gifted The Wisdom Keepers deck to coaching clients, wanting them to experience the same loving support that the Wisdom Keepers provide.  I continue to use the tool, both personally and with clients.  The energy transmitted is always potent.

What each wisdom keeper shares.

Within the guidebook, you’ll find that each Wisdom Keeper shares their:

  • difficult experiences that they suffered from and learned to move through

  • gift of guidance to help support you in this moment

  • questions to help you connect with and integrate the guidance you receive

Who this deck is for

I recommend The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck, if you’re looking for support with:

  • moving through challenges

  • working with your shadows in a loving way

  • making sense of painful patterns you witness in the world around you

You can use the tool on its own or as a complement to your work with Human Design, The Gene Keys, and/or the Chinese I’Ching.  The 64 Wisdom Keepers, featured on the cards correspond in a loving way to the 64 Gene Keys and the 64 gates in Human Design, which both correspond to the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching.

The guidebook

The deck comes with an inner guidebook, but I do personally love the larger separate guidebook to reference when working with the cards.

Learn more

You can learn more about Rosy at

About the Writer

Anna Salumbides is an Energy Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. She’s certified in Human Design, Emotion Code and Theta Healing. Her energy tools help one to release energetic entanglements that come from outdated stories, beliefs, and old emotional energy, that can often be amplified during highly charged situations. Schedule a free clarity call with Anna, to explore if energy coaching is right for you. Sessions are done remotely via Zoom and can be done with clients all over the globe.

Anna Salumbides