Could the Answers You’re Looking for be Found in a Past Life?
discover if there are forgotten wounds in your past that are getting in the way of you having clarity in your present
When you feel stuck and don’t have clarity on why you’re stuck, the answer could be sitting in one of your past lives.
It’s easy to see how difficult experiences from childhood, or another tender time in your life, can affect how you show up in the present. Maybe you experienced loss, abandonment, unfair expectations, or a lack of care. These experiences leave energetic imprints that can leave a lasting impact on your current relationships, how you show up for yourself, and whether you make choices that will support or hinder your growth.
In similar ways, wounds and patterns from a past life can also be getting in the way of you creating a life that matches what you desire.
Book a Past Life Akashic Records Reading with Anna to receive channeled messages regarding your past life from within the Akashic Records, an energetic field that holds an imprint of everything your soul has ever said, done, experienced and felt in all of its lifetimes, as well as your soul’s infinite future possibilities.
In an Askashic Records reading, we’ll work with your guides, who know the lives you’ve lived. These guides have an ability to reveal what past life experiences are affecting the area of life where you are feeling a lack of clarity - the area of life where you feel stuck. The information they share helps bring you back on track to living the life you have been longing for.
While Anna Salumbides can’t guarantee any specific results and the following testimonials do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome of an individual her services for any particular issue or problem, clients report having positive experiences.
“This Akashic Records session came at the most opportune moment in my life — though everything was in flux in my life with a move to a different city, I felt so much more calm and empowered after this hour with Anna. During the session, I released my tensions before Anna went into my records, and once she accessed the records, she spoke so many truths that resonated with me. This session helped me begin connecting more with my guides and ancestors, and it allowed me see the root of how I have felt trapped for much of my life. Being aware of the root of my wounded feeling of dis-empowerment has empowered me to be unapologetic in healing that part of myself and expressing my full self! In so much gratitude to Anna for helping me access this truth and being a pivotal part of my healing journey! ”
“Anna held such beautiful space during her reading, she was clear and offered me powerful insights into my life that either offered me clarity about what I need to do next or reassurance that I’m in that right place. I can’t wait to book another session and dive deeper into my records and explore my karmic patterns, lessons and experiences.”
“WOW! My Akashic Records reading with Anna was incredible. I received so many insights and a new awareness that may possibly change everything for me. The reading was unique, personal, and very revealing. Anna is incredibly gifted at what she does. Her energy was so kind, loving, and supportive during the session. She explained everything thoroughly and me feel very comfortable. If you’re on the fence, I highly encourage you to explore this. I know that I’ll be booking more sessions myself to dive deeper. Trust me, you are in good hands with Anna!”
Akashic Records - Past Life Reading
When you book a Past Life Akashic Records Reading, you’ll:
You’ll receive a worksheet that will help you articulate questions and an intention for your reading.
You’ll have 2 calls, starting with an Intention Call with Anna on Zoom. This is when you’ll have an opportunity to share any questions you have about what to expect in the reading not covered in this FAQ. You’ll also share the questions and intention for the reading.
You’ll have a 2nd call, which will be the reading itself. This will be a live reading during the call. Anna will bring you along on a journey into your records where we will learn your guides would like you to know about past life experiences that are still playing a role in the patterns/areas you are currently focusing on (e.g. what past life experiences/entanglements are affecting why you feel stuck in a certain pattern?). We’ll ask your guides what they can offer as a way to help you untangle from those past life impacts.
During the reading, we’ll start with a quick check in to help you feel comfortable and so we can slowly ease into the reading. You can expect to begin with a grounding meditation which will include a process that Anna uses to access your records. She’ll channel your records and help you explore past lives that are pertinent to your questions.
Where will the calls take place?
Both calls will take place remotely, on Zoom, a web-based video conferencing tool that can be accessed on your desktop or mobile app.
will we use video for the intention call?
We’ll use video for the Intention Call and when we first get on the call for the Reading. Once the Reading starts, we’ll switch to audio only. This helps me to stay present as I read your records.
will the call be recorded?
The reading will be recorded. You’ll receive an audio recording of the reading. The Intention Call won’t be recorded.
what types of questions can I ask?
You’ll prepare 2-3 questions that are:
open-ended (vs. yes/no)
related to an area that is top of mind for you
specifically focused on a past life
Pleases note that we’ll review these questions during our Intention Call to ensure that they would fit a Past Life Akashic Records Reading (e.g. answers to a general question like ‘what is my purpose?’ might not be found when exploring past lives. But, asking what past life experiences/blocks may be getting in the way of sharing your story would be a better match to what can be explored in this type of reading.)
will all 3 questions be answered?
Depending on how deep your guides take it, the entire reading may be spent answering your 1st question or all 3.
Prepare up to 3 questions and be prepared for the possibility that 1, 2, or 3 questions to be answered.
will I be able to ask clarifying questions?
Absolutely! You’re welcome to ask clarifying questions during the reading itself.
Do you have examples of questions that I can ask?
Yes! Some examples include:
what past life experiences have created patterns or other blocks that affect how I do “x” or that prevent me from being able to do “x”
what patterns from a past life am I being called to address
are there any past life experiences that are at the root cause of my fear of ‘x’
How long is a session?
Akashic Records readings occur in a session that lasts about 60-90 minutes in length. The reading itself is 30-60 minutes. This means, we are on a call for 60-90 minutes and we will be in your records, 30-60 minutes of that call.
I’m nervous about what might come up, what can I expect?
Your Guides, whom I channel the information from, will always share the information they feel you are ready to receive.
You can also let me know during your Intention Call if you want to avoid certain areas of information.
It’s important to me that you feel comfortable and supported during the session.
will i receive the answer to the question(s) that I ask?
Your Guides, whom I channel the information from, will always share the information they feel you are ready to receive and that is most pertinent to you at the time of your reading.
Sometimes, this means they’ll want to share information that they feel is a layer they want you to uncover before they can (or in order to) guide you to the deeper layer you want addressed.
For example, you may specifically ask about a specfic detail, but if your guides feel as though the answer isn’t pertinent to the shift you are seeking, then they may redirect you to the TRANSFORMATIONAL ANSWER.
how does anna channel the information?
Every Akashic Records reading varies. Information sometimes flows through quite fluidly and other times your guides share information in fragments that will piece together as the reading progresses.
do i need to do anything to help with the reading?
Be open energetically. Because information is energy, I suggest keeping an openness as you listen to the reading to allow the flow of information (aka energy) to come through.
I recommend finding a quiet + private + safe space.
This will allow you to:
be free from distraction
feel safe sharing what you wish to explore
During in office work hours, I have had clients take calls from:
their office with a closed door
a conference room with a closed door
in their cars, parked in a safe area
from home on a day they arranged to work from home or during a lunch break
Use your best judgement to create an optimal experience for you during your call.
How do I prepare for the reading?
Upon booking, you’ll receive a worksheet to help you prepare your questions for the reading as well as other worksheets to support you when you receive the reading and beyond.
Find a private + quiet + safe space to do Intention Call. See previous question about the type of space to use during work hours.
For your live reading, you may wish to block out an hour or 2 or even the rest of your day. This can help give yourself the space to step out of the busyness of your day and into presence. This will give you time to reflect on the reading itself. It would also give you the space to rest and recoup as your body needs.
You’ll likely want to listen to the recording more than once. Perhaps you’ll enjoy simply listening the first time to gently take in the wisdom your Guides share with you, then you might desire to listen again so you can capture the really potent messages.
Have a tall glass of water nearby, which often helps when listening to messages from your energetic record.
What should I do afterwards?
After you initially listen to the reading, take your time letting the wisdom seep in and see what comes up for you, how it feels, what resonates and how you feel guided to move forward. You’ll likely experience an unfolding of clarity as you listen to the reading and then in the days, weeks, months that follow.
I also encourage you to pay close attention to your body. Sometimes people feel lighter, happier, more energetic, content, etc. Others might feel a bit more tired, sleepy, thirsty, or even more emotional than normal. Honor what your body is calling you to do in order to process the session.
While Anna Salumbides can’t guarantee any specific results and the following testimonials do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome of an individual her services for any particular issue or problem, clients report having positive experiences.
“My akashic records reading with Anna was so helpful. I thought that I was coming in looking for specific answers, what I ended up receiving was broader, but exactly the guidance that I needed and what my guides had to say actually applied to more of my life than just the one specific question I thought I wanted an answer to. The words from my guides have left me feeling more calm and at peace with where I am at in life right now while also giving me an idea of how to move forward from a place of alignment instead of pushing or efforting. (Exactly what I want!) Since my reading when I am feeling uncertain, I have been able to come back to what my guides had said and bring myself back to that calmer place.
Anna was so easy to talk to and it felt like I was being guided by a friend from whom I was so excited to learn. There is such a sense of ease when working with Anna. Her calm, confident, and loving energy makes the experience of a reading with her feel so fun and easy. I am excited to have another reading with Anna and get even more guidance. Get a reading you won’t regret it. And really, once you have a reading with Anna, you’re also going to wish you could just hang out with her. ”
“Anna has an easy and calming presence. She explained the records and how the work unfolds in a clear and understandable manner. Her energy and demeanor were soft, open, and patient. I had questions about current relationships and how past wounds might impact them. While some heavy energy arose, Anna held me in her gentle way, guiding us both through what was presenting. I gained deep insight into past events, accessed feelings I didn’t know were there, saw how the past affects my present, and came out of the reading empowered to heal and take back my power. I feel that Anna is truly gifted in her calling and she clearly loves what she does.”
“Anna has a very calm and welcoming spirit when you first get to speak to her. I came into our Akashic Record session open to receiving answers and guidance, and I came out feeling more supported and clear with what information is helpful for me to address the concerns I have in my life. I was very comfortable asking questions and always felt like I was being heard, which is of great value to me. If anyone is looking for an energy healer or spiritual practitioner, I would definitely recommend them to Anna because she has such a beautiful gift that is well needed in this world.”