Energy Healing Sessions
Where will the sessions take place?
All sessions are done remotely by Zoom, unless an alternate way is identified. The beauty of this type of energy healing is that it is not limited by distance. It’s possible to identify and release energetic blocks and entanglements that may be contributing to self-sabotage, anxiousness, playing small, physical discomfort, or emotional discomfort.
What can I expect during the session?
We'll do a check in at the beginning of the call to confirm we are on the same page regarding what area in your life we are addressing. After that, I'll use energy healing to find out what energetic entanglements may exist that could be contributing to the issue. While it’s not possible to provide any guarantees, I'll work with you to release any trapped energies that we identify.
How long is a session?
Sessions last 45-60 minutes. Most sessions take close to the full hour, but I let the session guide how many entanglements should be released in a given session.
What will I feel during or after the session?
Each person responds differently. Some common sensations you might feel are lightness (like a weight lifted from your body), tingling, warm/cool sensation, tiredness, thirst. Some experience these sensations during the session and some after. Others don't feel any sensations during the session.
How do I prepare for the session?
I recommend being in a quiet space. You can choose to sit or lay down. Have your headset on so you can relax. I recommend having water near by. Have a journal or notebook handy. While you won’t have to write anything down during the session, you may wish to capture your reflections following our call.
I don't have a headset. Can I put you on speaker instead?
Definitely! Just place the phone close enough to you so that we can hear each other clearly. You're also more than welcome to hold the phone instead. Do what's most comfortable for you and what's best given your environment.
What should I do afterwards?
Pay close attention to your body. Sometimes people feel lighter, happier, more energetic, content, etc. Others might feel a bit more tired, sleepy, thirsty, or even more emotional than normal. Honor what your body is calling you to do in order to process the session.