Collective energy describes the general energy of a group or environment. The term will be used, in this post, to describe when members of a group are generally vibrating at the same energetic frequency. The ‘agreement’ of group members to vibrate at the same energetic frequency can be a conscious or unconscious decision.
What Creates Collective Energy
Everything is energy. Therefore, sources of energy that impact a group can literally come from anywhere.
The energy of thoughts, beliefs and emotions all have a big impact on a group’s collective energy. When there is a focused set of similar thoughts, beliefs and emotions being directed at a single topic, this creates a powerful effect on the collective energy of a group that is focused on that very topic.
The Distraction
What is currently going on in the collective environment regarding a new virus is referenced, in this post, as a “distraction.” This will be explained further, in a separate post. For now, simply be aware that the term, distraction, is being used in this blog post in place of the “C-name,” in place of the name that is being offered by others to identify the virus. The name is also being used to encapsulate what is happening. More on that later.
The Collective Energy of the Distraction
There's collective global attention focused on the distraction. This means that there's a large number of people simultaneously directing their attention to the same topic. And many of those people are assigning similar emotions to this distraction. Emotions of fear and panic are among the most prevalent of the emotions being attached to this topic.
So picture the large number of people around the world, all sending their thoughts, emotions of fear and panic, and negative beliefs towards this one topic, this distraction. Picture these same thoughts, emotions and beliefs continuing to circulate, being retold over and over. That's a lot of similar attention, aka similar energy on one topic.
This creates a collective energy of fear and panic among those focused on this one topic.
How Toxic Information is Shared re. the Distraction
It comes as no surprise that news reports regarding the distraction are often shared in a way to create and amplify the emotions of fear and panic. Simply put, this manipulative approach grabs attention and having attention is in the best interests of news outlets.
Many people who consume information presented in this way often fall into the trap of unconsciously agreeing to these emotions being offered to them by taking them on as their own. Sometimes, this is because highly charged situations can also amplify old emotional wounds, or trapped emotions.
So, on one end, the givers of the information (i.e. the media) are offering a similar narrative, one filled with fear and panic. On the other end, many of the receivers of information accept the narrative being offered. They accept the fear and panic and embody these emotions.
Then, many of these receivers of information also become givers of information and, in so doing, continue to amplify the same thoughts, emotions and beliefs. This re-sharing of the same narrative amplifies the same energy.
The Toxic Energy of Fear and Panic
The energies of fear and panic are among the lowest on the emotional scale and have a very low vibration. It's difficult to access your personal power when you agree to these low vibe emotions. They can be toxic to one’s well-being.
The Collective Energy of Fear and Panic
Thoughts, emotions and beliefs are all energy and energy is powerful. Energy is even more powerful when a large collective of people agree to assign the same thoughts, emotions and beliefs to a single topic. A topic that has an agreed upon meaning becomes a powerful energy in and of itself. It becomes a powerful collective energy.
When the collective energy of a group embodies the energy of fear and panic, that’s a lot of toxic energy. The group swept into this distraction is vibrating at this highly toxic level.
Return to Your Truth
This is an invitation to return to our truth. Returning to our truth is returning to our intuition, to our heart, to our higher self. It is from this place that we are able to return back to our personal power. From this place, we remember the love, safety, support, and trust that has been there all along.
What’s happening around us is a distraction to the work you have been doing to return to your truth. Be aware of the distraction. Know what you need to know to feel prudently safe. Observe the rest. Rise above it. Then, return to your path, back to your truth.
About the Writer
Anna Salumbides is an Energy Coach, Human Design Specialist, Energy Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. She’s certified in Human Design, Emotion Code and Theta Healing. Her energy tools help one to release energetic entanglements that come from outdated stories, beliefs, and old emotional energy, that can often be amplified during highly charged situations.
Schedule a free clarity call with Anna, to explore if energy coaching is right for you. Sessions are done remotely via Zoom and can be done with clients all over the globe.